You can find so many different types of strategy games out there to play on PC, which can make it difficult to pick the right one for you. There are many different sub-genres that exist under the strategy game category, from grand real-time or turn-based to tactical or strategy RPGs that exist both in futuristic settings and in the past. For example, some strategy games are based in outer space, controlling fleets of starships, whereas others will take place on the battlefield from centuries ago. Below we will go through a list of the best strategy games that you can play on PC.
First up is a game that many people forget to include in the strategy genre, and that is, of course, online poker. Poker is a card game that takes patience and dedication to understand, but once you get the hang of it, you will want to keep playing. One of the best things about poker is that you no longer have to travel to your local casino to enjoy a game. Thanks to advancements in technology, you can now play poker online and get an authentic experience where you can chat with people that you are playing with but from the comfort of your own home.
Poker is all about determining the value of the cards you hold and weighing up the likelihood that you have better cards than your opponents; however, you can also bluff and pretend that you hold stronger cards than you do. It is a great game, and there is a good reason why it has remained so popular for such a long time.
Supremacy 1914
Supremacy 1914 is a strategy game in which you have to control a country’s army during a world war with the goal of defeating everyone else. This strategy game falls under the genre of massively multiplayer online (MMO) games because you are able to compete against almost 500 other players in the same global war. Each player will control a different country and strategically wage wars to defend their land and conquer others. If you are looking for a game that will last a long time, then Supremacy 1914 might be the game for you.
One thing you can be sure of while playing this game is that you will never have the same experience twice, making this game very replayable and super addictive. One of the best reasons for trying out Supremacy 1914 to see if you like it is because it is completely free, so you don’t have to commit to spending any of your hard-earned cash.
Crusader Kings 3
Crusader Kings 3 is the next game on this list in which you control large militaries to grow your kingdom by any means necessary. This game has a lot of depth and detail, making it super interesting and enjoyable to play. There are several ways in which you can expand your empire, and you have the option to be as ruthless a ruler as you like. You use everything from diplomacy, religious influence, and wealth to military rule to control the people in your empire and design your very own dynasty.
There are a number of different characters that you can play who all have unique personalities and will make different decisions on how they think the empire should be run at that time before it gets passed on to the next ruler in line. The small decisions that go on behind the scenes have just as big, if not more, of an impact than the wars you wage throughout time. If you want to try out what Crusader Kings 3 might be like to play but don’t want to pay any money, you can now try Crusader Kings 2 for free, which is a different game but has similar aspects and will give you a feel for what you can expect for the sequel.
Offworld Trading Company
Offworld Trading Company is a strategy game that is nothing like the ones mentioned above. In this game, you are based on Mars, where you have to grow your fortune by utilizing the money and resources at your disposal to outsmart the competition. Unlike the other games on this list, there is no aspect of war. However, you will have to make strategic decisions that impact the economy so that you become as rich as possible while simultaneously running all of the competition out of business.
There are a number of ways in which you can grow your company, for example, by making planning decisions and choosing to sell the right things at the right time. You can also decide when to buy other companies to own the competition and control the industry, but you have to make sure not to run out of money. Try out Offworld Trading Company to see if you have what it takes to be a ruthless businessman and reach the highest levels of wealth.